M4BL: A Primer on #BlackLivesMatter (and why everyone should care)
The Movement for Black Lives (M4BL), like the Civil Rights Movement, has revealed the core values and ideals of the U.S. Anti-Black police violence is a symptom of a larger issue within American history. This session will use M4BL to offer historical context and tools for application in understanding why #BlackLivesMatter is important to all communities. Participants will leave this session feeling equipped to engage in productive, action-oriented discourse and advocacy in their local communities.
The recording is available to all OACAA members in good standing. To obtain the password and view the recording, email Jeannette Jarrett.
Speaker Bio
Jameta Barlow, PhD, MPH, a Charlottesville, Virginia native, is a community health psychologist and an assistant professor of writing in the University Writing Program, as well as an affiliate faculty member in the Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies Program and in the Milken Institute school of Public Health’s Jacobs Institute of Women’s Health at the at The George Washington University in Washington, DC. Dr. Barlow utilizes decolonizing methodologies to disrupt cardiometabolic syndrome and structural policies adversely affecting Black girls’ and women’s health, as well as intergenerational trauma. She has spent 22 years in transdisciplinary collaborations with physicians, public health practitioners, researchers, policy administrators, activists, political appointees, and community members in diverse settings throughout the world.
Learn more about Dr. Barlow by visiting her website.