One of the most important priorities for the Kasich Administration and the General Assembly, if not the most important priority, is to change the workforce development statutes. Below are the bills related to workforce development that OACAA continues to follow and work on:
- H.B.1 sponsored by Rep Derickson – OhioMeansJobs: The process of updating workforce development statutes is beginning by changing the names of local one-stops to OhioMeansJobs. The belief is that creating a statewide “brand” will make locating these facilities easier for both individuals and businesses.
- H.B.2 will require an unemployment compensation claimant to register with OhioMeansJobs to be eligible for unemployment compensation benefits and to require a claimant to contact a local one-stop office beginning with the eighth week of filing for unemployment compensation benefits. During testimony, the question was raised concerning the requirement that the unemployed person did not have to contact the unemployment office (OhioMeansJobs) until the eight week. This requirement may be changed and moved to an earlier time.
- S.B. 1 sponsored by Sen. Beagle – OhioMeansJobs Workforce Development Revolving Loan Fund:In the Ohio Senate, Senator Bill Beagle has sponsored S.B. 1, which will create the OhioMeansJobs Workforce Development Revolving Loan Fund, to create the OhioMeansJobs Workforce Development Revolving Loan Program, to allocate a portion of casino license fees to finance the loan program, and to make an appropriation. Since Senator Beagle is Chair of the Workforce and Economic Development Committee and it is being heard by that Committee, it is not a question of “if” it passes, but “when.” I think it will be sooner rather than later.
- H.B. 59 is the Biennial Budget Bill: As of this writing, there are no surprises for us. We are watching it closely, especially all matters pertaining to the Development Services Agency.