The purpose of unemployment insurance is to stabilize our economy and alleviate personal hardship stemming from involuntary job loss. Unemployment benefits are earned by employment and job loss through no fault of the worker. The state unemployment compensation fund needs to be solvent in order to ensure this critical poverty-prevention tool remains intact. OACAA supports a long-term and balanced approach …
Legislative Update
The 130th General Assembly is now on summer break after finishing the biennial budget, presenting us with a good opportunity to review the bills OACAA has followed and those we will continue to follow when the General Assembly returns: HB 3 INSURANCE NAVIGATORS (Sears, B.) Among other provisions, HB 3, which becomes effective on July 30, provides for the certification …
Medicaid Expansion Testimony
Good morning Chairman Amstutz, Vice Chairman McClain, Ranking Member Sykes and members of the House Finance and Appropriations Committee. My name is Phil Cole, Executive Director of the Ohio Association of Community Action Agencies and I am here today to offer testimony in support of Medicaid Expansion as set forth in H.B. 59. I appreciate the opportunity to present my …
Legislative Update
One of the most important priorities for the Kasich Administration and the General Assembly, if not the most important priority, is to change the workforce development statutes. Below are the bills related to workforce development that OACAA continues to follow and work on: H.B.1 sponsored by Rep Derickson – OhioMeansJobs: The process of updating workforce development statutes is beginning by changing …