Thanks to Governor Kasich and the Governor’s Office of Faith-Based and Community Initiatives, this week Lawrence County Early Childhood Academy, part of the Ironton-Lawrence County Community Action Organization, was able to surprise the five Lewis family children with brand new coats! “As a Family Advocate, I have worked to help this family with food and clothing in the past and …
Community Action Serves their Local Communities
In 2001, Lawrence County lost the only hospital in the county, forcing 62,000 residents to seek services from hospitals across the river in West Virginia and Kentucky. Medical professionals vacated the community, $250,000 in hospital revenue disappeared from the area, and southern Ohio had a significant gap in their health care services. Upon the closure, the community called upon the …
Single Mom Gets Assistance She Needs from Community Action
This past winter, Veronica found herself a newly single mom struggling to make ends meet and keep the heat on for her and her son. She turned to the Ironton-Lawrence County Community Action Organization (ILCAO) for assistance. ILCAO signed Veronica up for the Percentage of Income Payment Plan (PIPP), a special payment plan that allows elgible customers to a pay …